Routes towards Sustainability
International University Network

ROUTES TOWARDS SUSTAINABILITY is an international University Network founded on the 29th of October 2012 by the University of Ferrara and other nine universities.
Currently, thirteen other universities have joined the network that is active on all continents.
Throughout the years Routes towards Sustainability has developed interdisciplinary research on sustainable development; activated teaching programmes at a graduate and postgraduate level, published books, papers and articles, promoting the widest sharing of new cultures of sustainability.
Gianfranco Franz, Department of Economics and Management, University of Ferrara, Paola Spinozzi, Department of Humanistic Studies, University of Ferrara, Gonzalo Valdivieso, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile,

ITESO Routes new member
China in Guadalajara, Mexico

New Interdisciplinary Complex for Sustainable Development in Villarrica, Chile
ITESO - Universidad Jesuita de Guadalajara – has officially become a new member of Routes towards Sustainability. The agreement was signed by the Rector of ITESO, José Morales Orozco, SJ, and the coordinators of the Network, Prof. Paola Spinozzi and Prof. Gianfranco Franz.
The ceremony was held at the university Campus of ITESO on Thursday the 22nd of September. Prof. Franz delivered a presentation of the history, achievements and projects of the Network. Rector Orozco firstly pointed out that the aim of sustainability ought to be pursued by universities worldwide. Secondly he offered to strengthen collaborations between the Network and other universities with which he has worked throughout the years.
Great participation of colleagues from the South China University of Technology ​in Guangzhou, China at the international congress on Sustainability of Habitat, organized by ITESO in Guadalajara. Chinese scholars presented three different works at the congress: Xie Guanyi “Discussion based on the adaptability design for the construction of rural tourism for the revival of villages”; Ouyang Bo “Sustainable design based on user research in low-carbon context; and Wang Fenghong “The research of paper furniture modular design based on the sustainable development theory”. ​Their contribution was very appreciated by the attendance as well as from the organizers and Routes members.
© 2016 by Routes towards Sustainability Network. first draft 1.0 created by G. Valdivieso with
Routes member, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile is building a new Interdisciplinary Complex for Sustainable Development (CIDS) in Villarrica Campus. This new building will host our 2018 symposium and General Meeting. The complex was presented in Routes General Meeting in Guadalajara Mexico by Antonio Hargreaves, as part of the university engagement with sustainability the south of Chile. It will hold research and development projects done by interdisciplinary research teams from different faculties of the university. The building is done in a collaboration agreement by the university and Michel Durand, who has generously donated resources for it.